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Old 11-22-2011, 02:20 AM   #1
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72 BB engine and trans mount questions

hello guys, this is my first post, i have snooped around a few times, do i need to introduce myself here some place? anyway, i have a 72 short box step side in my shop, it had a 396 installed at another shop and it was not well done, the truck came new with a 6, as of now it has homemade side mounts, well the mounts are correct but their bolted to some homemade brackets that are welded to the crossmember, and the bell housing has mounts, it has a 3 speed sag for a trans with no trans crossmember, the motor is setting so far back you can't get the distibuter out for starters, i'm thinking they used the bellhousing from the 6 and then just stuck the side mounts on where they ended up, there are problems with the engine that why i'm removing it and the owner also wants a turbo 400 installed, i have owned a 72 with a 350/350 that i switched to a turbo 400, so can i use small block side mount brackets and auto trans crossmember? and will i have to remove the mid/bellhousing crossmember to have this engine sitting in the right place, thanks for any help, Lawrence
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