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Old 11-22-2011, 03:36 PM   #24
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Re: Nylon Fuel Lines

I got my fuel system done. I switched over my 2002 fuel rail with a return to a 2006 rail w/o return and used the Corvette Wix filter. I bought the filter from Gotelli Speed Shop on eBay for $29.99. I also bought the Dorman tool from FYI on the tool. It comes with no directions and it took a while to figure out which dye went with what fitting. Overall not bad to figure out, but I didn't think it wouldn't come without some type of instructions. I'm glad I did buy the tool, though, as I'm not sure I would have been able to build my own. I did use silicone spray from Napa, but I wanted try it without the spray first to see what happened. Just like 72GMCShorty pointed out, it was a mistake. For the barbed unions it wasn't a problem, but with the connectors, holy cow! It tweaked the tubing every time. It was amazing to see the difference.

When I ran the Dorman nylon fuel lines I only had one issue. I went with fuel injection hose for the sender, across the frame rail to the nylon. On the feed the 3/8 fuel injection hose wouldn't seal to the Dorman 3/8 union. So, dad the plumber suggested a trip to the supply house and we came up with a brass 3/8 to 5/16 barbed union for Pex pipe. It sealed up and was royal pain to get the 3/8 on it. It went on the nylon somewhat easy with silicone spray. The return and the vent went on the Dorman unions with no issues. I put DEI's Fire Sleeve over the feed and return to the fuel filter, and over the feed from the filter to the engine. I then used Summit Racing clamps to hold everything to the frame.

Overall, at this point I'm pretty happy with the results. The real test of how happy I am will be when I get this wired and can turn it on and see if there are any leaks.

Thanks for all the help and input!
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