Thread: AC help! =)
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Old 08-25-2003, 08:10 PM   #1
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AC help! =)

I finally got some free time today to do all the behind-the-dash ducting for the heat/ac system. That was fun Just a couple things left to do and there will be nothing on my truck that doesn't work. Anywho the passenger side kick panel vent is vacuum operated. (Not sure what the technical name for it is, but it lets in air from outside I believe.) If I am not mistaken it gets a vaccum line run from the AC/Heater control unit. If that is correct, then which one do I plug the vacuum line for the vent into? (Pic below) They are labled but incase the pic didnt come out. "1" is far right "2" is middle and "3" is far left. this control unit is an extra that I Just happen to have. The one in my truck has a cap over number 3. So where does the switch take the vaccum from? I'm going to assume that I have to run a line from the motor through the firewall and into the switch. Is that right? Also are there 3 outlets on the switch so that the driver kick panel vent can be vacuum operated too? That would be pretty sweet I might convert the driver's side too. Thanks again for any help.

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