Went from an average of 15 mpg mix driving to 18. Since I started taking college courses at local community college, relying only on my military reserve pay and money I had saved up, I changed my driving style.
305TBI which is in the best tune it can be in. Just recently rebuilt the TBI with a rebuild kit. Besides that, everything was already tuned up a few thousand miles ago (full ignition tune up, filters, etc). And yes, my speedometer gauge is correct!
Mods include:
dual exhaust (stock manifolds)
tbi spacer
pod spacer
k&n drop in
hypertech powerbowl
fuel pressure set to 13.5
Harrison TBI chip running hi-grade pump gas
3.08 gear
700r4 with vette servo
275/60/15 rear tires and 255/60/15 front set at 35psi all around
4/6 drop
Since I am trying to save as much $$$ I can while being a full time student before an upcoming deployment, I adjusted my driving style. I was never an aggressive driver but I was always over speed limit. On highway the speed limit here is anywhere from 50-65.... I always did 70-80. Backroads to school are 25-35 limits with no stop lights. I don't really do much "city" driving with lots of traffic and stop lights. It's back-roads and usually a highway trip.
Highway: I keep it at 55-60. The truck is not dogging at all at those speeds even with the 3.08.
Backroads and in-town: Speed limit-5mph over. Easing up to traffic lights and sometimes timing them perfectly where I don't ever need to even hit the brakes. Pretending the gas pedal is an egg shell when taking off. Luckily, in town on take off, the 700r4 1st gear is great but the 3.08 shows it's badside on the 2nd gear upshift. Once I get up to cruise speeds, the 3.08 is fine. I think a 3.42 or possibly 3.73 would yield better mileage for my style.
Driving is also way more relaxing. I leave a bit early for where I am going. I find to be less stressed. I thought I would have issues with tailgaters and so far not bad. The highway really isn't an issue since all the speeders travel in the middle-left lane anyways. Back-roads and in town, traveling the speed limit sometimes gets an annoying tailgater but where I drive isn't too populated. I'm not one to brake check someone since that is equally as stupid. I just maintain my speed of at the actual speed-limit or 5 above.
18mpg is great for me. In fact, it's the best mileage I've gotten out of any of my past vehicles. My previous ranger v6 got 17. My current back-up vehicle, a 92 s10 blazer 4x4 4.3 TBI in good tune gets only 15 and WAY underpowered.
I was considering at one time of keeping my truck and getting a 2nd car. I realized that the cost of a car, the registration fees, insurance, and extra maintainence fees, don't justify the savings. For my driving, 18 mpg seems to be great.
I would love a 3.42 or 3.73 rear but it wouldn't be an update I would do in the near future.
Any other tips to maybe squeeze 20?