Thread: Brake Hoses
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Old 08-25-2003, 08:40 PM   #5
1969 GMC
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thanks guys

thanks guys...

I will check autozone wxman, if not I will probably get some braided steel lines, I am sure a lot of places make them to dress up engine bays and for nitrous, etc. They would be overkill, but would look damn sweet IMO.

Oh yeah, I also need to replace one of my front hard lines, the one that runs from bulkhead to bulkhead, I was loosening it and I swear I had it good, but the F**king thing bent and snapped. That should be easy to fix, Napa has a lot of hard line.
1969 GMC K2500
1996 Honda Accord
2007 Kawasaki KLR 650

Last edited by 1969 GMC; 08-25-2003 at 08:44 PM.
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