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Old 11-24-2011, 11:53 AM   #8
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Re: Here is a little info with title issues for some of you

In Oklahoma its pretty much the same all they want is a bill of sale (don't matter who's name is on it) they check the vin plate, run it to make sure its not stolen (and if it shows a lein over 10 years they will take it off ) if all is good they will issue a good title. I've done this on a few vehicles with no problem, may be different in other states.
1971 K20, Coop's beast (project)
1972 C30 wrecker, "Big Ernest" (SOLD)
1975 K5 Blazer (wife's toy) she got it in the divorce
2014 Street Glide Special
1983 K20 Big Block, auto (work horse)
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