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Old 11-26-2011, 10:08 PM   #330
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Ann Arbor
Posts: 453
Re: Project: "Home Grown"

Got a little bit of work done today on the ol girl. Sandblasted and repainted the steering box, idler, & pitman. Got that installed.

Installed the front shocks, installed the upper half of the rear shocks, I still have to have the lower shock mount bar re powdered, it has some blem's that aren't acceptable.

Got the air bag line ran a lil cleaner and on the schrader's so I can air it up and have it level.

Tried mocking up the rear fuel tank, not sure exactly how its supposed to go in, have to do some research but it appears that the tank will mount to the bottom of the chassis on the outside of the chassis.

That's about it, check the pix yo !
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