Re: HEI conversion
Considering the fellow is looking for a distributor he DOESN'T have to bash the firewall in, to get to fit, the ACCEL pictured won't fit.
I see a LOT of the ones in the original poster's topic, failed after not too much run time. It IS Chinese made, bottom of the barrel, marketed from an Australian company that has a very bad reputation. If you were to revise the top bushing to one that would work, and replace all the electronics, you would have a functional item, but, you would still have issues with caps and vacuum advances NOT easily obtained if the ones you have fail/wear out.
You can do a lot better in simply installing a throw away drop in ignition conversion into a stock points distributor than wasting time and money on this one.
Of course, I am sure there will be those post below that think these are the best things since holes in donuts. NOT so, from my hands on opinion.