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Old 11-28-2011, 07:02 PM   #36
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Re: 61 GMC Hydramatic yoke

Well I got to look at the back of the trans this weekend. There is definitely a line about 1 ½ inches back from where the seal is sitting while the truck is parked. The yoke also seems to be pretty far out from the shaft and there is not a plug or seal on the back of the yoke. My guess is that the truck driving down the freeway or road is bouncing, (worn out rear shocks), and allowing fluid to seep by. That doesn’t explain the fluid leaking after sitting though. I’ll start looking for a new yoke and see if there is a plug that will come with it. I guess I should have taken pictures but didn’t think about it until now. I’ll try and get some tonight.
1961 GMC. Start date 1/20/2011
Past projects:
1958 Fleetliner 14ft Runabout
1966 Caprice 2dr
1970 VW Squareback
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