Re: New to Me Lift
There is no doubt I owe my folks big time, but they know I would do just about anything for them, including working on their rigs, my stepdad is a very Knowledgeable guy when it comes to working on just about anything and they live only a couple of miles away from me so he comes over to hangout in the garage and drink and watch me work now, heres a shot of how big my garage is just to show off a little more LOL, i built it this big with plans to start my own business a few years ago (but things changed and never got around to starting the business now its just my mancave). I brought in some help when i poured the slab and hanging the trusses, and paid for it to be stucco-ed, did all of the framing, roofing and wiring of it on my vaccation time and during the evenings after work, some day if i quit draging projects into it i will finish the drywall,