Thread: My 377 build.
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Old 11-30-2011, 08:46 AM   #24
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Re: My 377 build.

I'm not a fan of destrokers, but I understand that you build what you have parts for.
Should be a great engine, but would really like better heads. I'd pass on the Vortecs (a first fore me!) and find some Iron Eagles or something similar. The chambers can be unshrouded and the bigger valves will really enjoy the bigger bore, you'd be surprised at how much they'll pick up. Vortecs don't like bigger valves without a good bit of chamber work. You should get decent fuel mileage, the big bore/short stroke engine has reduced friction and better breathing.
I'm building a big block destroker for a 'vette. There's too much bottom end torque on anything bigger than about a 496, so I'm using a 3.766" stroke (396/427) with an aftermarket block with bore of 4.630", 507 cubes with a solid roller. I'm trying to kill off some of the bottom end and bring it back on top, expect to shift at around 8 grand. Ought to be a thriller!!!
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