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Old 11-30-2011, 04:00 PM   #11
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Re: 60-66 Prices are getting out of control

Just be patient, you'll find one for the right price. ebay is full of folks who are looking for THAT ONE SUCKER that's willing to pay the price they're asking. I look at ads like that and just laugh and move on. I especially like the ad where the guy is still trying to sell an NOS 64-66 truck accessory clock for $1150. Yep, it's still not sold.......

Kieth makes a good point. SearchTempest works awesome.

One thing to remember about the tachs for our trucks: They were manufactured by Sun, so you don't have to get hung up on having to buy a "factory" one. When you pull the outer covers off of those aftermarket Sun tachs, they look a whole lot like the original factory units. The head units inside of those tachs are the first thing to go bad, but places like Williamsons or Tach Man can rebuild it with modern electronics, and you'll have a perfectly calibrated unit that will work great.

P.T. Barnum was famous for saying, "There's a sucker born every minute", and there's a lot of ebay sellers who live by that motto.
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