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Old 11-30-2011, 07:42 PM   #23
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Re: I need a compressor

Originally Posted by Kabwe View Post
The difference between that 60 gallon and the 80 gallon is really not what makes it a better compressor. Most of your 80 gallons are 2 stage compressors. With the 2-stage compressors one piston pumps air into a second cylinder that further increases pressure. If you had a 60 gallon 2 stage like I do you would not even feel the difference between the 60 and the 80 gallon although there is more air in the 80 gallon tank the the difference would be slight. I bought a 60 gallon 2 stage for space (most 60 gallons are single stage) if I had the space I would have gone 80 (more choices and easy to find). A 2 stage does not work as hard and is very quiet. I can talk on the phone while my compressor is running and hear just fine. Stay away from those oilless compressors they are loud and do not last as long.
2 stage compressor are very nice. The 80 gal that i was going to get was 2 stage. I totally forgot about that. When I was looking for one I didn't see any 2 stage 60 gal compressors
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