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Old 11-30-2011, 10:42 PM   #1
mark '87 930
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I'm new and bought my first truck

I already posted on here.. i know, taboo... anyhow. I'm north of the border, this is my first truck..I've always loved these things (amongst other toys). It's not a show truck, so this isn't going to be a garage queen.

Can anyone help me figure out what engine and transmission are in here? PO said it was a '74 Camaro engine, but the quick searchs i did seem to put it as a '72, '73 or '78... and varying from 160-200hp (code is V0124CKD). The transmission he also said was a 'rock crusher' manual 4 speed.

Here are some pictures enjoy or comment on. I'm excited! a new project!
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