Re: First time wiring an engine. Please help!!!
Let me toss in some general information here for those thinking about rewiring. I've rewired a pickup and 2 cars over the last several years without buying a prebuilt harness. You will need a good wire cutter/stripper, several rolls of wire in as many colors as you can find, for newer trucks mostly 16 and 18 gauge. Terminals will come later. Step one: open all harnesses so you have access to each individual wire. If there are unused wires in the harness, check both ends to be sure then throw them out. If not certain leave them in for now. Make a list of connector types used on your truck and the gauge of those wires. The cutter can be used to determine wire gauge. Pick a wire, be sure you know which end is connected to what, make a new wire to match with the correct terminals, put that wire in and toss out the old one. Repeat as necessary. It ain't that hard, guys, and will save you a boatload of money.