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Old 12-02-2011, 10:46 PM   #46
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Re: 61 GMC Hydramatic yoke

If I need to I can machine a washer. I found one that fits from Home depot but it’s not hardened or very thick but the size is right. The trans shop took everything apart and put it back together I gave them a master rebuild kit. I noticed the threaded hole and asked about it and how short the yoke was and how I couldn’t see how it could possibly seal if the drive shaft is moving back and forth. The guys at the shop assured me that this was normal and if things leaked they could seal everything with silicone. I went back once for a seal leak and they tried to charge me for it as well as adjusting the shift points (250 bucks) I told them that the adjustments and leaks should be under warranty which is why I took to a shop since I don’t have too much experience with rebuilding automatics. They did the work, under warranty, but the side seal still seeps, but I will never go back to them.
1961 GMC. Start date 1/20/2011
Past projects:
1958 Fleetliner 14ft Runabout
1966 Caprice 2dr
1970 VW Squareback
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