Thread: 12 digit vin?
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Old 12-03-2011, 08:32 AM   #10
1961 crewcab
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Re: 12 digit vin?

no, for some reason the L was replaced with a 6.....
too much else is the same for it to be a swap... and as we noticed, that spot should be a letter.

I would check with a dmv in your state, without giving them too much info, explain what is going on.. you have a 61 chevy truck, that digit is supposed to be a letter (L), not a 6, all the other digits are correct, they can probably send a uniformed officer to re-inspect the vin and sign off on it, at worst you might have to bond the title, but since you have it, there is no worry of losing your bond..
that is how it would work here in mt, not sure if it will be the same in wa. ....
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