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Old 12-03-2011, 06:48 PM   #2
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Re: Carrier bearing problem lowered truck !

I had the same problem when i lowered my 70 swb c10. At first i thought it was the part then i asked my driveshaft guy and the first thing he asked me was if my truck was lowered. I said yes it was lowered 6in in the rear. He then explained to me that the driveshaft slides in and out of the trans when the rearend goes up and down.My truck being so low it was already hitting the back of the trans and when it did it would bend the shaft down and break the bearing. To solve the problem he installed a slip yoke on the back part of the shaft like they have on a 4wheel drive. It can now move2-4 inches in eather direction and i havent broken one yet. Total to have him replaced all yokes (someone had beat the hell out of them and the little clips didnt fit) all new heave duty u-joints new center bearing slip yoke balanced and painted all for the $175. anymou questions just ask we are here to help.
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If for some reason i loose to a import...At least i can go home knowing the vehicle i drive drops girls panties...
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