Originally Posted by truckdude239
those e-3s will cause the coil to burn up if not carefull best plug for that truck is the ac delco 41-110 Iridium plugs runn 9-11 dollars each but they will run 100k miles with no changing, the e-3's are a resister plug which will not let all the energy from the coil though
I will definitely go with the AC plug. Thanks
Originally Posted by Mechanic77
You can try disconnecting the battery to clear the memory, but it hasn't worked for me on the last couple I've cleaned the throttle bodies on.....I don't have a Tech II (factory gm scan tool) to do the idle relearn with....but just driving it will cause the ecm to relearn it on its own.
Does it idle any better after it's fully warmed up? That would be another indication of an intake gasket issue.....they usually idle worst when they're cold, and get better as they warm up when everything expands from the heat....
It idles fine when cold. Once it comes up to temp is when it starts erratically dropping RPM with AC compressor on or off.
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