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Old 12-05-2011, 05:59 PM   #2
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Re: 72 Blazer got the shakes bad - HELP

Is the shake/shimmy in the steering wheel, or in the seat of your pants? If in the seat of your pants, you may be dealing with a driveline balance/worn u-joint issue). If its in the steeing wheel, its probably an alignment issue. Are you running a lift and oversized tires? The reason I ask is that when you install a lift kit, the camber and caster settings on the front axle can get out of whack when the axle tube is rotated to mount the the new spring packs. It only takes a few degrees of change to affect things. Running oversized tires further aggravates the situation by amplifying the resonant wobble. I suggest you get the front end professionally aligned. However, a lot of shops will only be able to adjust the camber, which will not fully elimnate your problem. You may have to source out some shims to put your caster back to spec before you have the camber set. Good luck.
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