I can't post pics tonight, because I can't find my DL cable for the camera. Home improvements suck.

I read some where to clean the MAF. I started thinking about it and one thing I didn't mention is there is a K&N air filter installed. Maybe the oil from the filter has put a film of oil on the MAF and dust has accumilated on the sensor. Thoughts??
I picked up the AC plugs today as well and didn't have time to install them. After driving home the idle doesn't seem much better.
I'm just trying to do the simple things first. I'd like to do a smoke test, but don't have access to a tester. I can check around and see if someone I know has one.
Is there a specific ohm range on the plug wires? Or should they just be changed? I really don't want to replace parts if not needed. I really don't know if they are original or not. If they are original I would say it is time to replace them like someone mentioned before.