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Old 12-06-2011, 04:24 PM   #10
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Re: 72 Blazer got the shakes bad - HELP

Thanks for all the replies and suggestions/information guys...

I checked the runout on the wheels/rims with them on the blazer with a dial indicator - they seem good, all less than 1/16" out of round.

The shake/bounce is definately not in the steering wheel.

The shop that balanced the driveshaft is a reputable shop and it doesnt seem out of round nor does it throw u joints. (I'll check it for runout with the dial indicator though)

This blazers been in my family since it was born and I know it was never riden hard and put away wet so to speak.

Speedbumps/offroad, no problems/clucks or funny noises.

I'm thinking about having my wife video tape me driving down the freeway (focusing on the drivetrain/tires) from her car so that I might be able to see a tire bouncing or something... I dunno still.

Worn spring bushings?
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