Originally Posted by DirtyLarry
Funny, my 8.1L tosses a code for a MAF every now and then again as well. I don’t recall if it was a high or low voltage code though but it does it a couple times a year. It always runs great even with the light comes on so that has me thinking I over oiled my K&N filter. You might want to check that if you used a K&N.
No K&N and mine doesn't run smooth with it in there. When I fired it up the first time it was smooth and idling about 700. I remembered I didn't have MAF hooked up so I did that after I fixed the oil leak and then it ran rough with it hooked up. Not terrible, but noticeable. The rpms were dancing around pretty good and wouldn't stay consistent.
Originally Posted by DirtyLarry
Also make sure you have the MAF going the right way, as they are easy to install backasswards with the airflow going the wrong way.

That was the first thing I checked. I figured if there was a way to put it in wrong I would find it. Hoped was more like it, but it was in correctly. Since this is such a Frankenstein with accumulating the parts over 3 years, I'm wondering if I have the wrong MAF sensor. Is that possible?
Originally Posted by DirtyLarry
That is a bummer about the dash electrical. Is the gauge pegged at 3 o’clock? If so, I believe that is a ground issue, which may be upstream instead of at the frame.
Yes, it is currently pointing due west toward the heater controls. In my genius repinning, I did have two grounds left hanging so I'll have to play with those and see if it makes a difference.
Originally Posted by DirtyLarry
Not sure what to say on the other stuff but knowing you have the temp gauge set up exactly how it was on the old 454 leads one to think there is sometangwong with the wiring between the sending unit and temp gauge in the cluster. Probably where ever that issue is found will fix the other stuff too.
I'm wondering what could be wrong with the wiring. I did use the meter to do a continuity test on it. Mainly to be sure I had the right wire.

But it did show good continuity. I really am questioning the senders due to the fact that my '87 read a full 50 degrees higher until I changed the sender to one from an '84. Plus with all the fun we had with this truck overheating, this is the one that is the most important to me that it reads correctly. I don't suppose anyone knows what the ohms should be on that wire at the cluster?
Originally Posted by DirtyLarry
Working out the bugs is the funnest part, well….so they say. Working out the bugs on mine was actually quite frustrating!
It is? I would like to meet 'they' and ask them some questions.

I was pretty excited at first, then all the bugs and little things that still need to be done tempered that enthusiasm. But, I'm making progress and that counts for a lot right now. I'll keep you posted.