Hey guys, been here for awhile checking out post and decided to add one myself. About a year ago I was able to trade a 71 Ford flatbed for a 2 C-10s. One 64 without a title and swiss cheese for a body, but a good running drive train. The other, 63 titled fair body, without drive train. I went for it, I like these years of trucks. Well, with half the 64's body already gone, getting ready to pull the drive train to prepare it for the 63.
I recently had a event that changed my thinking. My brother and I were involved in a head on collision on the night of the Jets vs Broncos game. I was driving his 2001 GMC Sierra 1500. Everybody is ok fortunately with a stiff spine and my brother with 4" gash on his head. We are thick headed in the family

Anyway, it has now crossed my mine on transferring everything from it to the 63. I am being told that after the settlement, I can choose to decide what to do with it, well, my brother anyway.
So hear are some of my questions for you knowledgeable guys:
I've searched the forums for 4.8 conversions, and did'nt get the info I was looking for. I can't get to the truck right now, but does the subframe come out like a typical subframe, like the 80's version? and if it does not, what kind of engine mounts am I looking for? Is there any big obstacles that I'm looking at in that area?
Any guidance on write ups on this or any good general info would be appreciated.