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Old 12-10-2011, 01:22 AM   #5
60-66 Nut

Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Posts: 23,254
Re: NEW GUY! 63C-10 Project.

Welcome to the forum

Glad you and your brother were not hurt any worse than you were.

As for the 'subframe' as you call it, the front suspensions on the '63-'87 trucks all interchange. Here is a thread that will explain a lot about upgrading the front suspension and brakes

As for installing the 4.8 into your '63, that is becoming more and more popular anymore. There is a complete section here on the forum dedicated to LSx swaps.

Just keep in mind that the frames from '63-'87 are basically the same.
Power Steering Box Adapter Plates For Sale HERE
Power Brake Booster Adapter Brackets For Sale '63-'66 HERE and '67-'72 HERE and '60-'62 HERE and "60-'62 with clutch HERE
Rear Disc Brake Brackets For Sale. Impala SS calipers HERE Camaro Calipers HERE D52 Calipers HERE 6 Lug HERE
Hydroboost Mounting Plates HERE
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