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Old 12-14-2011, 12:08 AM   #10
67-72 parts collector,…
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Re: Tie rod question

Yeah,... by reading your first post,... I didn't know what exactly you had or what you didn't.
I assume you are buying all new tie rods?
If so,... all you need is the centerlink for a '71-87 2wd truck.

I learned the hard what on my '69 swb.
I bought some 71-72 spindles for $100 and thought I was saving a ton of money.
It would have been way cheaper to have bought the correct spindles.
(I didn't have any 71-87 centerlinks to swap in at the time).

Convert to disc brakes.

Last edited by lolife99; 12-14-2011 at 12:14 AM.
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