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Old 08-28-2003, 09:17 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Goldendale, WA
Posts: 54
Brake Fluid in a transmission?

I was going to work the other day in my 1994 2500 6.5L and I passed someone and when it kicked down the tranny slipped. It really makes me mad considering the transmission is only 2,000 miles old. This guy at work. (When I tell you the next part people are going to say is he on crack? He is. Literally.) He told me to put a little brake fluid in the tranny to make it stop slipping. He said mainly all tranny oil is is brake fluid and oil. I didn't take his advice. But I wanted to know is that true that it will stop slipping or would it just fry the tranny.
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