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Old 08-29-2003, 05:24 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Modesto, CA
Posts: 1,321
Angry I swear, if it's not one thing, IT'S ANOTHER!

LOL, I shoulda actually knew my luck. Well, so I got my flexplate fixed and it cranks like a mother now...only problem is, it won't fire. I checked for 12v+ on the coil, and it had I guess it's either my module/rotor/coil...or maybe all three! I seriously think I'm going to finally give up and just order the damn MSD Super HEI kit and be done with it! Aside from the starting problem, the only leak it's got is the valve cover (to be expected). I've already got all the parts to fix that...and I THIINK my carb is finally tuned decent enough (looked at my spark plugs, and they're a perfect tan color.)
LoL, after all the money I've put into this damn thing, and these stupid SMALL problems keep coming up...
On a side note though, anyone know where I can get a harness that goes from the module up to the Cap? (Three wires)
Also...I'm finally happy with the stance of my truck! (At least on the passenger side, haha)
I have a few cars...
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