Thread: Rust inside
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Old 12-19-2011, 04:40 PM   #11
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Re: Rust inside

I think you should try it if it means something to you.I am restoring a truck my grandfather gave me,I sold it when I was 18 and 14 years later I bought it back and in all honesty it was'nt worth fixing except for one thing,and that is that my grandfather gave it to me and that cant be replaced.I had a similar problem with the roof skin area on my truck so after thinking about it I decided to replace the roof skin from a donor truck.I cleaned the gutter out with a screwdriver and then used a wire wheel on a drill and cleaned it very well.I found all the spot welds and marked it with a sharpie(some of them I had to locate from the underside and transfer a mark to the top)and drilled the spot welds all the way around and used a small flathead screwdriver to wiggle the panel as I went to make sure it was loose and then moved to the next one.Once off I cleaned and addressed any issues that were underneath and then epoxy primed and seam sealed everything,I then installed sound deadner on the top of the inner structure and re-installed the donor roof skin,plug welded and dressed the welds and then epoxied the top side and gutter area and it is now ready for body work and seam sealer in the gutter.Sorry for being long winded I have some photos I will try to post. Jay
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