Thread: Rust inside
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Old 12-19-2011, 04:50 PM   #12
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Re: Rust inside

Originally Posted by cunk View Post
Please excuse my ignorance but are you being sarcastic or sincere. i am in an honest attempt to rebuild my first truck. the one that i met my wife in. the one that i learned to drive in. i assumed this would be not only a good place to catalog my build as well as seek wisdom from people who may have been in similar situations and experiences. i apologize if my desire to reclaim a rusted piece of my personal history has offended.

as well Mr oem4me im sure that the discussions soon to come on the big block, z'd frame, rear notch, air bagged, 22 inch beauty that this will become will surely not fit your fancy either.
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Whoa Nelly!. Easy now. To answer your question, I was being sincere, sarcastically. My sense of humor (or lack of) tends to run that way. I apologize for ANY offense, as what I was doing was sincerely applauding and admiring the tenacity with which some of you guys attack the most daunting projects. And for the record, it's not often I refer to myself as a spoiled panty-waist when I'm being serious.
You've got the truck, and it means a ton to you. It's GREAT you want to bring it back to life! GO FOR IT! And believe me, I'm all about the sentimental stuff. An old truck is not much more that a pile of metal without it.
So again, SORRY for any offense. That's not at all what I intended to convey.

Last edited by oem4me; 12-19-2011 at 07:11 PM.
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