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Old 12-21-2011, 02:28 PM   #218
Dan in Pasadena
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Re: Slot lovers unite!

Originally Posted by thelonerife View Post
I know this is an old thread but I just picked up some 15x7s for 90.00. They had never been cleaned ever I think. The two fronts were black like the one in the pic. I did a 320 wet sand on them and will step up grits. the rears were not too bad but all have the machined lines on them that I want to get rid of. I'll work on these in my spare time. They're unilug too.
Hey, so has anyone bolted them on their truck and used the engine to turn them while they sand them?

I have a couple old Daisy rims I'm gonna use to hold my air hoses and long extension cords but I weant to make them look good again.

Yeah, I know it might be dangerous but I will try to hold the sandpaper in such a way that if anything snags it, it pulls the paper out of my hand instead of pulling my hand off!
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