Re: Optional Jack?
For anyone that has not been around a Hi-Lift jack...
I have used Hi-Lift jacks for many years, and own several of them. There are a few need to know items about them. If you use one with wild abandon, the jack will kill you black flag dead!
Hi-Lift jacks work great for "LIFTING" 4x4's, and other large machines. Make sure to buy the chain hook (as shown above) if you are lifting a truck with chrome bumpers. Once it is lifted, support the truck with something else.
The mechansim uses two sliding pins to hold the jack. If these pins do not engage fully, it will do one of two things.
#1- Drop
#2- swing the handle upward at the speed of light.
The second one got a good friend of mine. The jack had been holding the truck for quite a while. The handle was left in the down position (never do this, EVER). He was about to grab the handle to let the truck down, when it released. It hit him under the chin, knocking him out cold. He ended up in ICU with a shattered jaw, broken teeth, concussion, and whiplash. After weeks recovering with a wired jaw and a neck brace, he went through months of getting brand new screw in chompers.
The jacks will also slip, jump, pop, lean, and many other unexpected things when you turn your back on them. Consider them posessed by the devil himself!
Other than that, they are perfectly safe.