Originally Posted by Marv D
Craftsman used to be made by Stanley tool works through the 90's, That, and now that Kmart bought Sears out there made by some offshore, low bid, 5ยข an hour left handed child labor and are just about as good as any other no-name tool.
That's not entirely true. Made in the USA craftsman hand tools are made by the Danaher Corporation. Take a walk through sears and look at the hand tools. 95% of the HAND tools that are marked CRAFTSMAN will be stamped "made in USA". There are several lines and types of hand tools in a sears though. Gear wrench type wrenches will be made overseas. The lower cost "evolve" line will be imported too. Electric tools will also be imported.
I have bought a crap load of Craftsman hand tools over the past two years. Each tool is stamped "Made in USA".
and Kmart did not buy Sears. They are both owned by the same consortium.