Originally Posted by schmedly
Would that work on painted trim? On my 67 the trim is painted and I really like the chrome look.
It would maybe, but probably not required. The oven cleaner, or in this guy's case - the hair and grease remover - is simply to remove the anodizing - then you still have all the polishing work left as mentioned in a post above. If you want the shiny stuff under your paint, just start polishing, it'll go away in the process. Or you could strip the paint with some paint stripper - but I'd just start polishing. Personally, I would not mess with oven cleaner or hair/grease remover if all you want to do is get rid of the paint and show the shiny trim underneath.
UNLESS - it's an anodized piece that's been painted - in which case YES, do what that guy did in the vid.