Hi my name is Diane Avery. I am married (6 years) have 2 boys- 4 and 2 years old. My husband Ken also posts here under this name. He is a self-employed welder (Company name Avery's Arc) I design houseplans from home (Company name Precision Home Designs) and stay home and enjoy the heck out of my two cute boys! My dad owned Blazers and Chevy's my whole life and Ken loves them too! It just seemed right to restore a blazer to keep forever!! We may have to restore another after this just so our 2 boys don't fight over who gets the blazer later

I love this board...I am hooked! Alot of nice guys here. I am kinda like jewels, had lots of friends that were boys (till I got married

) , love to work on my blazer, watch football, mow the lawn, quadride, and I love trucks!