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Old 12-24-2011, 01:57 PM   #4
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Re: Help with Holley 4160 Linkage

Thanks pro Street. Yes I Have rebuilt a number of carbs in my day. Most in the previous century may decades ago.However, I have never rebuilt a Holley. Seems to me the major challenge will be not leaving out an o ring or a small gasket. Im not particaulay worried about adjusting it ,althought, I hear the Holleys are one of the more difficult to adjust. I read instructuions, ask questions and take my time. Any tips you have on rebuilding it would be appreciated. I figured if I screw it up I will just buy a new Eldebrock. For me it the challenge of doing it more than the money. Only out $70 at this point for kit and carbdip cleaner.
Two questions:
1.What goes in the big hole.? If it for throttle linkage pin where to I get the part to fill the hole?
2. Do I need a throttle spring retun on the carb? Seems like the spring on the throttle shaft is stong enought that a retun spring is not required.

Again any pictures would be appreciated.
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