My name is Ed Cooper, just turned 50 and have been here on the board since 1999. I started a company in 83 called The Truck Shop but after getting calls from customers about questionable parts (believe me the aftermarket parts have come a loooong way) we sat down with a 1/2 gallon of Jack Black and Mothertruckers was born. No confusing us now. I spend most all of my time at the shop restoring customers trucks and stripping parts off trucks we buy for parts. My signifant other KATHLEEN of 9 years owns a very succesful clothing design and alteration business, we both have 30 year old daughters from previous marrages and 3 grandchildren,3 cats at home,4 cats at the shop. I am getting into 55-57 trucks lately after driving a customers 56 and have 3 that keep my interest up and the bank account down. I love pre 73 chevy trucks, I had cancer in 99 and the doctors said i had 6 months to live and i told them i had too many trucks to build to die, GOD and me had a long talk and it turns out he likes old chevy trucks too. Nothing sweeter than an old panhead,an old truck and a good woman!
Rest in Peace Ed. Thanks for all the good times.