Thread: Bucket
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Old 12-27-2011, 02:46 PM   #11
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Talking Re: Bucket

Yea, The rust is crazy, but the funny thing is, it is mostly on the painted surfaces. The Inner fenderwells have some surface rust but nothing special, same with the core support. I havent ripped out the carpet yet, but I believe that the floor pan is actually in decent shape. Compared to the rest, the rockers arent even that bad (still need replaced if I was going to keep this cab though) We will see though.

I think the most challenging part of this project will be the lack of space. Here in Fort Ord the Army is kinda nuts about their housing areas and if they see an obviously non-op vehicle or a large pile of parts in the driveway I will get no end of nastygrams. My garage is full of my other stuff (4 dirt bikes, 3 quads, and one street bike) so I cant use it. Its going to be fun trying to swap cabs in the driveway with no one noticing. Driveway Stealth Build is soon (hopefully) underway!!!

I want this shot as my avatar pic once I figure out how to do it!

Woohoo! figured it out! Lets hear it for public education!

Last edited by tpost01; 12-27-2011 at 03:04 PM.
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