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Old 12-29-2011, 10:24 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Newark Ohio
Posts: 122
Re: Replace transmission seals advice is needed

If you're doing this alone be careful, transmissions are awarkward to handle, and weigh enough to hurt you. Start by removing the transmission with the torque converter installed. Place a drip pan under the torque converter, slide the converter out of the trans. You will see a shaft coming out of the end of the converter, this should be smooth, no grooves, with two large notches. These notches drive the pump, they MUST be fully engaged when the converter is reinstalled, not difficult to do, more later. Remove the seal, don't dig to deep, there is a bushing behind the seal. Lube the inside of the seal, light grease or trans fluid will do and install the new seal. Lube the shaft on the converter and slide it back in place, push in with light pressure, rotating the converter. You may have to shake the converter while rotating. When the notches are engaged into the pump you won't be able to slide your fingers behind the converter, if you measure from the converter mounting pads to the front of the trans, it should be approximately 1". Check the flex plate condition, no cracks, bolt holes in good condition. Now reinstall the trans. It may take a few minutes to get the converter slid into tthe pump, this is critical. If it's not fully engaged you will break the pump and ruin the converter. Good luck, ask if you have questions. Ron
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