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Old 08-31-2003, 02:25 AM   #7
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soak them in husk for about 30 min in cold water, (now un shuck the corn from the husk) then butter them season them, wrap in foil, put on the cool part of grill , turn them once you see the foil start to turn color silver to tarnished look, to get a even cook.

I like them with butter and salt and pepper....

take off grill with tongs (because they are hot)(adding safety feature there).
you can check them un wrap a section on 1 or 2 and see if kernals are turning black (if black it cooked to long LOL)

and serve them up!!! Hmm hmm
With a 1972 Chevy Custom-10 Long bed w/350cid th350, (under-construction).

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and stage 2

~ "Why couldn't you have just put the bunny back in the box?" ~
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