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Old 12-31-2011, 02:11 AM   #1
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Best place for a 390 holley?

Hey just wondering if anyone knows of a carb shop or anywhere else to get a 390 holley besides ordering one from summit. I'm in the san diego, so cal area. I have a 65 sb that has a muncie 4 speed and a 230 with a offenhauser intake and headers set up for a 390 any leads would be appreciated I want to get that thing running alread I can't wait to go cruising. I have a pretty clean fleetside tailgate and a really solid bare metal 65 grill if any one could do a partial trade on the carb.... I also have a sandblasted stock manifold and a single barrel that came with a rebuilt kit but doesnt look like it was finished. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong area Im new to the site and the c10. Love the trucks thanks for all the awsome info and all your trucks and build ups are so inspiring and thank you guys again.
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