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Old 08-31-2003, 12:17 PM   #85
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Me llama es Derek, no I'm not spanish, just thought I'd start out with something differen. I'm 23, been married a little over 2 years, no kids, but 2 black labs that really make us want to wait to have kids.

I'm a mechanical engineer working as a traffic engineer for the state DOT (I design traffic signals). It's in the civil engineering area and really not want I want to do. My wife graduates from civil engineering in Dec. and basically wants to do what I do now, but there's not much for mechanical jobs around here. Hoping to get on as a designer with GM either working on chasis/suspension design or cylinder head design, but I'm also considering other areas.

I've had my truck since I was 17. Been working on it ever since. It was my daily driver until about 3 years ago. I'm nearly finished with it....just have wheels and a new speedo to get....maybe A/C but I don't know.

I'm into racing, but not my's more for show. My next project will hopefully be a 68 camaro after I finish the truck (and no I'm not selling it)
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