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Old 12-31-2011, 06:38 PM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: hudson,wi
Posts: 805
I want to start my build ! I hate Winter !!!

I live in Hudson, WI which is right on the WI/MN border and about 15 minutes from downtown St. Paul and I gotta tell ya...........I'm already sick of Winter. So far this year we haven't had hardly any snow and the temps have been above normal winters but I can't wait until Spring! I picked up an 81 shortbox in October and I'm really ready to start working on it. I already have my K5 Blazer project in my garage which is almost ready to send off to my paint guy so my shortbox is sitting next to my garage and I don't want to start tearing into it until I can get in in the garage. We're expecting snow tonight so I went out and at least pulled off the front bumper so I could at least feel like I did something to it.

I guess I just had to vent a bit......... at least I've been planning my build and compiling a list of parts I'll need so when the time comes to finally get to tear into it, I'll be a little ahead of the game.

Can any of you understand how I'm feeling? If so, let's hear what you have going on......Thanks for listening!


Last edited by riz; 12-31-2011 at 06:41 PM. Reason: mispelling
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