Thread: 250 6 cylinder?
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Old 01-03-2012, 12:55 AM   #1
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250 6 cylinder?

I just bought a 69 swb 2 weeks ago. I pulled the engine and 3 speed trans. I am looking to sell some extra parts so my question is hats it worth? It is a 250 6 banger. I was told by the guy i got it from that is has been rebuilt. They fired it up and it had a small oil pan gasket leak. So he pulled it again and replaced the gasket with the new one and never fired it back up. I personally havent checked anything out on it too much. It does appear to have new gaskets, supporting his story i guess. I guess if nyone can ball park me a figure id appreciate it.
1970 Chevelle
1969 C-10 shorty
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