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Old 01-03-2012, 04:30 PM   #11
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Re: Project Opinion - When its it time to call it quits?

Originally Posted by space wrangler View Post
after looking at the work you've put into it, i say keep it. ..just lay off for a while and come back to it when you're more motivated.
The amount of time and money I have into the truck is about the only reason I dont want to get rid of it. There are several things that I have done to this truck that I really look back on and say "why did I do that", I am not a body man and I am starting to see that, I have hit the paint a few times and it comes off really easy so i guess I didnt even paint the truck right. I love my truck, the way it looks doesent bother me, I get a smile on my face when I drive it even though you are deaf and it looks like ****. The more money I have to keep dropping into this thing starts to make the smile go away.

Originally Posted by jitteryguy View Post
I agree, and next spring hit the salvage yard's and watch Craig's list. there's alway's clean Suburban's get'n part'd out. you could get most of the interior and new door's from one of them and save a bundle right there.
even though your gonna replace em, throw some paint on the door's and bed, be'n one color is a big motivator !
I have a complete interior I could throw into the truck, its not the color I want, but it would work for now. I also have new doors, I just have not done anything with the new doors yet. As for the interior, I dont think I can do anything with the floor because of modifications I did to the floor.

As for painting everything white, yeah it sounds like a good idea, but honestly I am not loosing motivation from the look of it. With my minimum wage job I am making less than 10k a year. Knowing that my truck needs basically half of a years worth of money really is a downer. I am to the point that I just either want it done or gone. In the past two weeks I have spent $200 each week just trying to keep this thing going. First my starter went bad, that was $250, then the next day my power steering box blew up. With my really limited income i am just not sure i can take dropping so much money into the truck to get it even at a comfortable driving state.

Originally Posted by meter swinger View Post
Looks like you have the disease.
I would not recomend buying another rig unless you plan on leaving it alone and driving it "as is".
Youll regret taking on another project right now, and youll be lucky to get above scrap prices for what youve got now. Sorry to be blunt, but like the other guys i say stick with it and get creative. Youl be building hot rods the rest of your life so you might as well learn to deal with it. Time and money will haunt your projects as long as your building them.
Btw it looks to me like your making progres, keep at it!
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Yes, I would say that I have the disease, but I dont think I will ever want to try to do a full frame off again like this one. I will do it in steps if I ever do one. If I buy another truck a simple 4x4 conversion and it would be done (unless I could find a 4x4 crew cab then I wouldnt even have to touch it) I would be swaping my engine and transmission and trasfercase into the truck, but that is all simple stuff. It wouldnt take me more than a month to get another crew cab converted to 4x4, and I have all of the parts. I would probably do some things to it at a later time, but it sure wouldn't end up like this truck and be a full frame off.

What I am starting to think is stop on this project and find another crew cab that has a full interior and a good body that doesnt need paint. Take all my 4x4 and drivetrain parts out of my current truck and stick them in the new truck and then save my current truck for a future project. That way I can get a truck on the road soon and be happy with it for now and do other things I want to do and then when I finally get out of school I could build the dually of my dreams.
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