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Old 01-03-2012, 11:29 PM   #19
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Location: Pinehurst, Idaho
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Re: Project Opinion - When its it time to call it quits?

This is when you just need to step back and not look at it for awhile. One day you will be motivated again to start working on it. If you've already put this much time and money into and you have a place to let it sit then I'd say keep it. Come back to it one day when you're done with school and finish it when you're ready and have the money. I had a pickup just like this that I bought for 600 dollars and I dumped so much money into that thing putting the drivetrain together just the way I wanted to but when I looked at it, it was still rusted out and little things just kept going wrong with it. I got frustrated just like you and so I parked it and bought one that was in better shape. I too am in school and don't have much money right now and this last year my dad told me to get it out of his yard so I took out all the parts that were worth while and I scrapped it. I wish I wouldn't have done that because now I wish I could drive that thing again and the one I'm driving now is much nicer. Sorry for the rant but I would really advise you to keep it if your old man will let you keep it where its parked
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