Thread: WTB Car trailer
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Old 09-01-2003, 04:28 AM   #10
Phillip Johnson
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Not sure how far from Portland. ive never been farther than Eugene. Im sure that you could have the fenders modified to work with your truck. The only problem is that there is a thing called the "legal limit" in width. This is the widest trailer you can put on the highway leagally. After your set the truck on it, you will be at your 20" is my guess. Like I said in the PM, the price is right. For 2x as much or more, you could get a custom one made but you woulod be driving much higher than the wheels to get the width you need. My choice would be to have a welding shop modify for a few bucks and take the short drive over the fenders. Just an idea... Talk to you in the A.M.
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