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Old 01-04-2012, 10:31 PM   #4
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Thanks Mark ; )

Gee I hate taking that gear back down, but I see you're point! The frame thickness doesn't seem to be very thick for the amount of stress that's going to be placed on it. I think I can get behind the frame well enough(maybe) I'll check it out tomorrow. Like 1/4" plate be thick enough~ actually I don't have any plate material around here what am I writing! lol I'll dig around and see what I have. I need to clean up behind the gear anyway and pretty it up. Let's say around each hole, I could weld say as much metal to beef the area, then drill through that after it's welded?

ps; thanks for chiming in~ didn't think anyone read my post. ; )

Originally Posted by mknittle View Post
I would make a plate on the backside of the frame to beef it up a bit. maybe with a couple gussets to the cross member if You have room. i have seen frames crack where the stress is concentrated just on the bolts.

And happy new year to you too Mark
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