Thread: 700r4 upgrades
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Old 01-04-2012, 10:32 PM   #1
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700r4 upgrades

Looking to get the 700r4 rebuilt in my 85 K10, the converter is on its way out and this transmission has seen better days. What are some of the mandatory uprgades for the 700r4? Ive heard of the vette servo, anything else I absolutely have to have? Its going behind a basically stock 350 so it doesnt need to be built for 600 hp etc. Also I'm assuming it already has some sort of shift kit in it as it shifts pretty hard, especially when compared to any other vehicle Ive driven. I dont know if I want it shifting as hard as it does now after the rebuild. Maybe just the vette servo without a shift kit? Already has a stock tranny cooler too..Thanks
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