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Old 01-05-2012, 12:26 AM   #6
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Posts: 147
Re: Bigger compressor recommendation

At $1000 for the craftsman you are just a stones throw from a 2340L5 Ingersoll-Rand. If you shop around you should be able to get free freight. This is a great machine for the money. It is IR's smallest true industrial compressor. For a Bit more you can step up to a 2475n5 again by IR.

If you look at champions or gardner denver (same company kind of a GMC/chevy type thing) look for concentric ring valves. The reed valve machines just don't give the lifespan that made champion famous.

Quinceys as mentioned above are like Mack trucks they don't change they just work. You spend the money up front and when you are old you pass it down to your kids or grand kids.

The thing about these companies is in 10 20 30 years you will still be able to get common parts.
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